Strengthen Your Roots in Tree Care!

Is the Asian citrus psyllid poised to invade the Inland Empire? What about the emerald ash borer? Learn about the latest developments in these and other pests threatening our landscape from Dr. Tim Payne.

Wondering what’s going on with your ficus trees? Is alder decline a new or old issue. Our own Dr. Fred Roth will discuss these and other biotic issues affecting our urban forest.

What are your primary concerns about urban trees? Lisa Smith, consulting arborist, will provide you with her list of the latest problems in city trees.

What’s in your arsenal of arborist tools? Do you really need an iPad? Rebecca Latta will share her tool chest with the group.

Register Online

  • Price: $45 (includes Lunch)
  • ISA and DPR CEUs applied for.
Time Event
9:00 a.m.Basic Pest ID, by Dr. Tim Paine, UC Riverside
10:15 a.m.Basic Disease Diagnosis, by Dr. Fred Roth, Cal Poly Pomona
11:30 a.m.LUNCH
12:30 p.m.The Top Ten Issues of Urban Trees, by Lisa Smith, RCA
1:30 p.m.Basic tools for Tree Management, by Rebecca Latta, Certified Arborist
E-mail questions to or call Nancy Sappington at 310-562-4904.