A Unique Opportunity for Tree Advocates
IUFC members include urban foresters, landscape architects, tree-care and nursery professionals, and more. If you would like to join our FREE mailing list, please sign up below. We will send you announcements about upcoming professional development programs and other opportunities.
IUFC is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
IUFC Steering Committee Members
Raquel Falco Chair |
213-268-3933 | larocketa@gmail.com |
Sheila James Secretary |
909-253-9368 | smhjames@yahoo.com |
Yvonne Franco | 760-347-3675 ext 101 | yfranco@CVRCD.COM |
Fred Roth, PhD | 909-229-6895 | froth@cpp.edu |
Hung Doan | 408-717-0161 | hkdoan@ucanr.edu |
Diana Ruiz | 909-238-8338 | ruiz@rcrcd.org |
Greg Dion Inland Empire Urban Forester, CAL FIRE |
559-753-3661 | Greg.Dion@fire.ca.gov |
IUFC Advisory Committee
Mark Porter |
Susan Sims |
Dave Roger |
Diana Ruiz |
Our Address
5225 Canyon Crest Dr, 71-279
Riverside, CA 92507
Our Partners
IUFC works with businesses, municipalities, utility companies, government agencies, and grassroots organizations.
If you are interested in joining us as a partner, please email us at InlandUrbanForest@gmail.com